Denver, Colorado and my breakdown.

October 22, 2015.
The day the universe swooped in to shake my bones.

I have never felt more like I was at a cross roads of my life then I did when I went to Denver.
The universe put me in certain places with unexpected people, it all seemed way to convenient to just be a coincidence. A series of strange unexpected events and conversations that really hit me like a bass drum. The whole trip was like a motivational book and each encounter was its own chapter of "You need to learn this too."

The biggest piece of advice that I got on this trip was this: "Everyone has an idea, but no one does it in fear that it will be perceived as crap. But thats the process. You come out with something, its crap, and you learn and make something better." If you don't come out with crap you can never learn to make it better. Its the process. And at least your making something. Thats the goal right. You can talk all day or for your entire life about great ideas, and great dreams, but if you don't do it, you never did it, and it never actually happened.

I also met a man on the airplane. We talked for 4 hours about people, and body language, and business, and goals, and everything under the sun. His career focuses on finding a cure for cancer, but he doesn't want to do that anymore. People go to school for years for a successful career, and they realize, this isn't what I want. And thats ok. Its okay to decide to do something different. To realize that you ARE something different. Whether you got it wrong the first time, or you are just growing and evolving into something different. Its okay. Go with the current. Follow your heart.

My mind was so flooded in Denver.
Maybe the mountains acted like a huge bowl, to pool together all my thoughts to drown me like a lake, rather than them being always carried away by the Ocean back home.
Im not sure, but unattractively, I broke.
I became so mad at myself for putting my dreams aside everyday because I was slaving away at my day job. My dead end day job. I put myself on the back burner, everyday. Everyday I made that choice. And thats what we all do don't we? We choose against ourselves everyday. Whether its to put in hours at work, or put in hours with friends, or put in hours being lazy because we think we deserve it because we have been working so hard. We put in hours in everything but what we truly want.

And I know its very silly but I keep thinking of that meme or quote, "You have just as many hours in a day as Beyonce." Ugh, thanks Beyonce.

I ran away in Denver. I went with my best friend to the middle of the country, and I had to run away from it. I took a day and just escaped alone. I went to the bookstore. Some people go to bars when they feel lost, I run to bookstores. Other people's words and thoughts just make me feel more at peace than any drink with a goddamn baby straw.  I sat in there all day, thumbing through pages, reading poems that soothed me for a minute, sipping on my huge bottle of water, wondering what the old guy sitting by the window was getting word drunk on.

And I came across this book, it is called "Grit to Great" and it was the exact book that was meant to cross my eye sight in the store.

I encourage anyone struggling with a dream they have to read this book.
I am not even done with it, and I still feel like it is so important.

I don't allow myself to dream anymore, I make myself work.
Anytime I think about something the way I want it, I start just doing. Whether it comes out as crap or not.
New goal : MAKE CRAP NOW. Learn after.
Thats my goal. I want to make so much "crap" that it snowballs into amazing. Through hard work and learning.

"Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work." - Stephen King

All in all, this post is probably crap. But hey, look, I still did it.
And I will learn to make the next one better.


Life is one big game of Guess Who.

Life is kind of like playing Guess Who, and the person you are left with is who you really are. 
Do I want to be a doctor? nope. Knock those cards down.
Do I like rockets? nope. Knock those cards down.
Do I want to help people? always. Let those stand.
Am I creative? yes. Let those stand.
Do I want to be in business and wear business suits? nope. Knock those cards down.

Your twenties are your years to really get down to the nitty gritty with your guess who game.
They are your selfish years.
You need to experience and try everything you can to figure out what makes you happy and what doesn't.
I learned this past week that business suits and name tags just aren't my thing.
It was kind of a blow to my life ego, as society makes you feel being at that status and having business meetings is something that you should strive for, and is a level of success.
But I remind myself how diverse and huge the world is and that you can be successful doing anything.
Don't let society illustrate your own personal idea of success.

I am really excited that I just made a huge advancement in my Guess Who life game.
Unfortunately, the crazy cat lady card is still on my game board. #getouttahereplz

I am a Plant Mom!

Became a plant mom to a Budweiser air plant from Hello Happy Plants! 
Find them here:
Seriously the cutest plants ever from the cute local Orlando vendor.

Also,  found myself in the middle of a farm in Deleon Springs, FL at 3am.
My friends were trying to take some night pictures of the stars, and heard faint MOO-ing.
We turn on the car to leave, and turn the corner to find a full field of quiet sleepy cows.
Quiet little 'MOO'n beams. 

Work Hard.

I have been non-stop moving the past few weeks. 
I got a new full time job, which I studied to ace the interview.
I have been working full-time at my current job.
And in all of my spare time I have been working, planning, and creating for my etsy store.
I turn down a lot of hang outs, but this is all going to be so worth it. 

Today I am off to Deland Indie Market for inspiration and ideas.
And then posting up in a cute coffee shop somewhere in Orlando to work some more.

"Just say yes, and you'll figure it out afterwards." - Tina Fey

Deland Days.

Took a drive out to Deland the other day. Frolicked in some wild flowers, and came across 'Raccoons, Turkeys, and Horses, Oh My!

Oh and then snapchat also happened.

This past year, I fell in love.

This past year, I have been in the most important relationship I have ever been in.
I have been in a relationship with myself; my body and soul.
Each morning I wake up, and I ask it,
"What do you need today?"
First I ask my body, and then I ask my soul.
Because your body is a machine; a vessel; and a mistreated vessel cannot do much for the cargo that it is carrying. An adventure seeking pirate is nothing without his ship.
This past year has been one big chemical experiment.
What happens if I put this in my body? What is the reaction?
What if I eliminate this? What if I only eat this?
It has been a huge trial and error.

I did none of this because I wanted to adjust my weight, or change my body in any way to gain approval from spectators. I did this because I want to be able to hear what my body is telling me, something that I feel is so important when it comes to loving yourself.
I was tired of always feeling exhausted, and in a mental fog.

As a result, I feel so much healthier.
Ive learned that it is really hard for my body to hold onto a lot of weight in general, and I do struggle a lot to come to terms that it is okay. That my body is naturally tiny, and that is just how I was made. Im not a curvaceous woman. I don't have a lot of 'meat on my bones'.
Please don't tell me to eat a cheeseburger, because it just makes your heart look ugly, and you look ignorant into the belief that women should all look the same, just as much as it would if you told an overweight woman to eat less.
This is how I am made.
I am healthy, and that is what is important.

My soul is simple. It wants few things.
She wants adventures and she wants love.
I have been traveling a lot and she has been very pleased with me,
and the people in my life have been nothing short of amazing, with their endless amounts of love and support.
And I am about give her the biggest gift I have ever given, and it is the one she has been waiting her entire existence for. Im giving her the gift of a new city. So very soon.
I can't wait to see her energy light up and take off like an unstoppable rocket.
Because this past year, I fell in love.
And I will protect, care, and love her more than anything in the world.
I will not settle for anything or anyone that aims to dull her shine.
Shine on you crazy diamond.

You can find me in the Kitchen.

I have been spending a lot of time in the kitchen trying to learn how to cook. I can now make a pretty impressive omelet. I have also have adopted a mostly paleo diet, since it cuts out everything I am sensitive to anyways (dairy, fried foods, chocolate). I have occasional cheat days though, where I will eat a slice of vegan cheese pizza, french fries, and donuts (not suppose to eat bread). But life is too short to not treat yo self sometimes. And I refuse to ever give up donuts. Ever. 

Ive also had time to go visit some of my favorite thrift store and found a few gems. I found each of those Willie Nelson records at different thrift stores. It was like the universe wanted me to have some Willie in my life.

What is the most impressive thing you know how to cook?
And where can I find the recipe, cause I wanna try to cook it! :)

Lady and the Trip: Boston

My two hour flight later, I arrive in Boston, MA.
I grab my luggage and wait for my friend Rachel to pick me up at the airport.
We über back to her place and drop our bags and head into the brick lined city.

Lady and the Trip: Washington, D.C.

After a 13 hour over night bus ride on the Megabus, I arrived at Union Square.
With roughly only 3 hours of solid sleep, I grabbed my luggage and dragged it through the city to my hostel. My first American Hostel! I dropped off my luggage and trekked right back into town.

Hello Washington D.C.! You beautiful city.

Lady and the Trip: Atlanta.

August 7, 2015. 6:00 AM
I set out alone, leaving on a Megabus, on a four city adventure.
Atlanta - > Washington D.C. -> Boston -> New York City
These are the pictures that I captured during my travels.
I hope you enjoy them.


Lets Get Ready to Travel!

Five more days left until I leave for my solo road trip up the East Coast and I have been getting everything together of things I need for my trip and this is my list:

  • Backpack
  • Sketch/Journal Book
  • Glasses
  • Sunscreen
  • Lotion
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Chapstick
  • Water & snacks
  • Downy de-wrinkle spray (a life saver when living out of a suitcase)
  • Headphones
  • A tote bag for shopping (so you don't have to carry a bunch of plastic bags!)

My most important and essential item:
  • MACE! : As a solo traveling woman, you need to be careful and protect yourself against anything. Essential essential essential!

  • Olloclip Lenses : I do not plan to bring my DSLR for the sake of traveling light. This way I can capture all my memories and still be impressed with my photos. 
  • Bluetooth Folding Keyboard : Also, to travel light I do not want to bring my laptop, but I still want to blog to share everything I do with you! I strongly dislike typing paragraphs upon paragraphs with my thumbs, because I love the feeling of laptop typing. This foldable keyboard connects with my iPhone through bluetooth and lets me get that laptop feeling and further extend the usefulness of my phone.

  • Eye Masks & Earplugs  : Essential to get some sleep on the megabus and in the hostels. Or just for the occasional necessary nap time.
  • iPhone Tripod and Shutter Release Remote : I will be by myself, and want pictures of myself in front of beautiful sceneries without taking those long- armed 'selfie' pictures. The tripod lets me set my iPhone up just about anywhere with its magnetic wrap around legs, and the shutter release remote helps me not look like a weirdo running back and forth to my phone to take the picture.

I will be hitting the road soon! Can't wait to take this journey together!

Be Brave When Thrifting.

 If you are looking to find great deals, and hidden treasures there is one rule that holds true.


I have lived in Orlando my whole life [aka YEARSSSSS]. I know Orlando like the back of my hand, and  I still often find myself driving around down streets I have never been, and revisiting other roads I just haven't touched in awhile. Sometimes, as I explore the city, I stumble upon hidden gems like this no air-conditioned thrift/resale store that is located out of an abandoned k-mart building.

If one thing has ever held the most true when it comes to thrifting and rummaging it is this:


It is just true. You are going to find better quality items, for an extreme bargain. Maybe they don't know what they really have, or maybe they just get so much stuff in they just want to get rid of it and are in a constant state of turn over. But their trash is your treasure! Reap the rewards!

You just have to be brave, but don't be dumb. Obviously, please don't put yourself in danger in any way. Always trust your gut and intuition when it comes to safety, but don't always limit yourself to the comfort of a Goodwill. Often times when I go to a new city,  of course the Goodwills will always pop up on my google maps, but the gems of all thrift stores are usually ones you have never heard of and that only locals know about. Ask around! Be friendly! Explore!

Thrifted Treasures

Found some adorable snack attack bowls, a picture of my future husband, and wonderful pillowcases.
All for $5.00. 

Mid July.

I have been visiting used book stores and my favorite thrift stores that I have not had time for these past few weeks/months. 

Currently Reading : A Woman Alone : Travel Tales from Around the Globe
Latest Wonderful Thrift Find: A wonderful cross-back bike satchel for $2.00
Latest Adventure: Visiting Deland, FL at midnight.

Atlanta, Washington, NY.. OH MY

Its that time again! 
To celebrate my one year anniversary from that time I traveled to Europe by myself, I decided I needed to embark on another solo journey. August 7-17th I will be traveling from Orlando to Atlanta, Washington D.C. and New York City over a ten day period. I will be traveling via Megabus and staying at friends' houses and hostels along the way. I can't wait to leave and share everything I encounter with you! 

Two Hostels I will be staying at:
 Pictured above: Washington, D.C. House Hostel
Pictured below: New York Loft Hostel

How to be Alone : My version.

After having my wallet and brand new phone stolen, I have been working full time to offset the financial hiccup. In retrospect, the situation of having that happen, also cured me of a fear that had brewing in me for quite awhile. That fear? That one day 'what if' everything I had worked hard for was taken from me. Now, I never thought of a scenario in which that could actually happen, but having my phone and wallet stolen on my birthday fit the bill quite appropriately. It happened to me and it was out of my control. I was at a loss because of it.
But, it happened and I was still ok. The earth didn't come crumbling down. I figured it out. I landed on my feet.

I think it has started a snowball effect with me. What other irrational fears do I have?

The Gift of Thrift

Today I found these amazing end tables at the thrift store for $5.00 each.
As soon as I opened them and saw the map drawer liners, I instantly felt they were meant to be mine. 
Hello gorgeous. <3

Happy Birthday.

This is what it looks like to have your phone and wallet stolen on your birthday.
What a rollercoaster life is.

Relationship Goals

But aren't you lonely?

People worry about you when you're single because they think you're lonely. Honestly, I know plenty of people who are IN relationships that feel lonely. Heck, I felt more alone when I was in a relationship than I've ever felt being single.


Im not good with getting my hair cut or done.
It makes me sad for a good day or so.